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About Us

Improving Quality of Life Everyday
& Supporting Families

The Nevada Children’s Foundation, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization founded in 1946 to provide a home-like residential option for Nevada children who needed specialized care and treatment. Services have been uninterrupted since that time.


Eagle Valley Children’s Home does not discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of race, national origin, gender, religion, age or any other class protected by federal law or regulation.



Residential Services

Medical Services


Training Programs



Nursing Care



Our Mission

Our Philosophy

Eagle Valley Children's Home philosophy is person-centered and based on respect for each individual’s capabilities and civil rights.


Eagle Valley Children's Home

Eagle Valley Children’s Home opened in 1946, 78 years of service to our community.


Eagle Valley Children’s Home is a fully accredited intermediate care facility for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.


In 2004 EVCH designed and constructed a state of the art building on the original site in order to expand services to this special population.


Clients at EVCH receive active treatment training programs along with medical, dental, nutritional, occupational, physical and speech therapies according to their annual individualized programs plans that are developed by the interdisciplinary team.


Eagle Valley Children's Home is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, is licensed by the State of Nevada.

Make a Change in a Child's Life and Donate Today!

Our Services

based on respect for each individual’s capabilities and civil rights

Residential Program

The Residential Program provides individualized skill training in a caring and home-like environment.

Respite Program

The Respite Program provides support to families/caregivers of people with developmental disabilities through temporary, short-term care of the dependent person in the family’s home.

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